Arma Update

About the title

What makes a perfect soldier? The updated version of Arma offers its own answer to this question. To successfully withstand all the difficulties the game is going to put you through and accomplish the missions with dignity, you have to be brave, but also cautious, able to follow orders, but also capable of improvising in critical situations. And of course you must know how to use all sorts of weapons and transport. And there are even more of them in ArmA update! Can’t wait to find out what new content there is in store for you? Then launch the game immediately and learn from your own experience!

You are about to become a lone survivor in a military skirmish. All your comrades are gone and you have to get out from a small island lost in the Atlantic on your own. Every minute, you are surrounded with enemies. To get past them, you must use stealth and sometimes also bold attacks with no concern about your life. Since saving can only be done after accomplishing another mission, you won’t have the luxury to die as much as you want. So keep your eyes peeled and make sure you aren’t cornered with no back ways you can take.

Weapons should be fired with knowledge of various aspects like bullet recoil, optimal distance, fire rate and son on. You can find out about all these parameters by carefully studying the gun that just got into your hands. Pay attention to every element of the gameplay, immerse yourself in the thrilling atmosphere of warfare and come out a winner!

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